Bellydance and pregnancy
Bellydance and pregnancy. In ancient times, bellydance was a ritual accompaniment of labors, and its movements were seen as an imitation of labor pains. So far, in some Asian and African regions, such methods of oriental dance as retraction and stretching the abdomen are used as a preparation for childbirth for young women.
It is known that during pregnancy the abdominal muscles have a particular load: abdominal skin and muscles are stretched several times. If before the pregnancy woman have never trained these muscles, after the birth it is almost impossible to bring the abdomen to its previous form, and while carrying a child they are experiencing a huge load. However, Oriental dancers after giving birth recovering very quickly: the trained muscles can easily revert to the previous ideal waist. Intercostal and oblique muscles of women, who do belly dancing, are especially strong, and in fact they provide a slender waist. That is why modern doctors advise this ancient art, called bellydancing.
Some of the techniques involved in preparing for childbirth, are built on based technique of certain belly dance movements: these are the most natural movements inherent in women for their labors. But the most effective and successful in this respect is the full range of the movements of this archaic dance, which allows toning all abdominal muscles. It is safe for pregnant women, especially if they start belly dancing in early stage of the pregnancy, it eases back pain, and helps maintain flexibility and a positive impact on the process of childbirth. Rolling rhythmic contractions of abdominal muscles makes it easier, and abdominal movement promotes relaxation and concentration, so important at this crucial moment.
For pregnant women bellydancing is an ideal and natural physical exercise, which in addition to preparing for childbirth has a positive effect on the unborn child, focusing on the future mother’s abdomen.
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