Why Women should Belly Dance
Belly dance is for most an out of reach world
The thing about it is that not too many women accomplish this. Belly dance is for most an out of reach world which borders on the exotic and exclusive. Honestly much too many women are exempted from this world either by lack of knowledge or lack of exposure. Therefore they do not even fathom the idea of belly dancing being part of their lives.
Because of this, many miss out on this wonderful dance and never enjoy the emotional and physical benefits which belly dancing can bring into their lives. Unfortunately many Bellydance books do not address the preliminary issues which may discourage someone from even giving belly dance a try. These books focus mostly on technique, which although important, is useless to someone who is not actively seeking what they are offering. Someone has to first WANT to do something before they can learn how to do it.
A lot of the time the hardest part is not the learning process, but acquiring the actual desire and interest in the thing we may later want to learn. We often have a million and one reasons to not do something, and the one reason we should do it, gets lost in the avalanche of those million & one reasons.
Jumping right into Belly dance
But jumping right in is the only way you begin to truly understand the dance. And because it’s such a feminine dance, for women it comes to them more naturally than they would expect. Essentially, Belly dance is a fun exercise which engages you on all levels-body, mind, and soul. When you welcome belly dance into your life, you are welcoming something which can enhance you in so many ways.
Belly dance is certainly an alternate mode of exercise and wellbeing
Although you may not have considered it before, Bellydance is certainly an alternate mode of exercise and wellbeing to consider. There are very few things left in the world that are truly feminine. All aspects of our lives seem to be infiltrated with blatant male influences. Belly Dancing is one of the few things in existence which really embraces us as women. This is a great comfort and should be reason enough for us to welcome this wonderful dance form in our lives.
Belly Dance-Freedom
Belly Dance offers a remarkable level of freedom from any constraints you may be feeling from your current exercise plan. It is also a natural, soulful fit for women and can be an exciting way to rejuvenate your fitness and emotional health.
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